Product Review: Altissimo Flute Fingering and Trill Charts


Altissimo Flute Fingering and Trill Charts
Nestor Herszbaum and Carolyn Nussbaum Music Company

These charts, which accompany Herszbaum’s Alternative Fingerings for the Flute, are handy and convenient to use. One of the positive aspects of these is their size; they’re large enough to be clear and hold all of the necessary information but they’re small enough to tuck into a flute case. They are a sturdy, laminated plastic, so they will presumably hold up better than paper or cardboard. (I have kept them on my desk, so I can’t attest to their durability when carried around in a flute bag.)

The fingering chart is quite comprehensive, and the actual fingering diagrams are clear. It starts on low B for those flutists who use the B foot and extends all the way up to the fourth octave G. Some of those fourth octave fingerings also include the suggestion to use the gizmo key when advantageous. It’s helpful that alternate fingerings are described, along with their pitch tendencies. These tendencies are notated with arrows, so it keeps the chart clean; there isn’t a lot of text clutter.

The trill chart is realistic; it explains that the trill between low C and D-flat as well as the trill between low D-flat and E-flat are “impractical.” The trill chart also includes instructions to utilize the C-sharp trill key for flutists who have that available. The standard option is included for those players who don’t use the C-sharp trill. The range covers from low C to the fourth octave C-sharp to D.

I was surprised by just how many times I reached for these charts, especially when checking a trill fingering in the highest part of the flute’s range. It was much quicker than checking in a book or even searching for an online chart. For this reason, I think these would be a valuable addition to any flutist’s – beginner through professional – set of tools.

Find these at Carolyn Nussbaum Music Company,

Summer Etude Project

This summer, I plan to play through as many etudes as possible. The goal is to identify etudes that might be most suitable for my students next academic year, become more familiar with etudes that I have little experience with, revisit some that I have worked on in the past, and develop my technique. I’m aiming to play through as many as possible; I’m not shooting for technical perfection, although I will keep track of etudes that I have trouble with and work on those later this year. The main idea is to broaden my knowledge. I fully expect this project to progress unevenly; while it is summer and I’m not teaching classes, there is still other work to be done. However, I’m going to keep up with my progress here. I’d love to hear suggestions from fellow flutists: what are your favorite etudes? Which do you despise? Which ones do you prefer from a pedagogical standpoint? I’ve already received some excellent suggestions via Twitter, so keep them coming!

Also, a big thanks to the South Dakota State University Briggs Library, which supplied many of these through Interlibrary Loan.

15 May 2014
Boehm – Twenty-Four Studies, Op. 37 – these would be manageable for my students, although I think the key signatures would be a bit of a challenge!
Gariboldi – Fifteen Modern and Progressive Etudes – while these still have some heavily-sharp key signatures and would be less familiar to students, they seem to fall on the fingers a bit easier than the Boehm today. Fun to play.

16 May 2014
Demersseman – Fifty Melodic Studies, Op. 4 – I played through the first 25 of these. Rather simple but enjoyable. They would be excellent sight reading examples for juries.
Köhler – 25 Romantic Etudes, Op. 66 – Cute!

17 May 2014
Köhler – Virtuoso Etudes, Op. 75 – I made it through the first 10 of these. I could stand to work on these a bit.
Gariboldi – Twenty Etudes, Op. 132 – Nice for a younger student. Key signatures aren’t challenging, and they are comfortable on the fingers.

18 May 2014
Andersen – 24 Studies, Op. 21 – A mix of difficulty. Some are fairly simple and others sneaked up on me a bit. I will revisit some of them. Not a bad choice for some of my advanced students.

19 May 2014
Andersen – 26 Caprices, Op. 37 – These would be excellent for some of my students. I wasn’t familiar with these caprices, as I only have experience with his other etudes.
Hugues – 40 Studies, Op. 101 – I played through the first 26. Nice collection to work on slurred scale passages.

20 May 2014
Hugues – 40 Studies, Op. 101 – Finished these up.
Kummer – 24 Melodic Etudes, Op. 110 – I like the fact that these change keys in the middle of the etude. Requires a bit more flexibility than those that stay in the same key throughout.
Berbiguier – 18 Studies – My students spent a long time with these before I inherited them, so they have a lot of exposure to them. I like them a lot and will use them in the future, but my older students need something new.
Andersen – 24 Studies, Op. 15 – I played through the first 11 of these.

21 May 2014
Hoover – 9 Etudes – These are great. They are clearly modern, which is useful in the context of so many traditional etudes. Luckily, I attended a workshop with Ms. Hoover where she listed the errata. You’ll want to be sure to do a search for them before tackling these etudes.
Andersen – 24 Studies, Op. 15 – Finished these up today. My students have worked on these in the past. They aren’t my favorite Andersen etudes but they certainly work.

22 May 2014
Clardy – Flute Etudes Book – This showed up unexpectedly on my doorstep today courtesy of my sister-in-law.

28 May 2014
Clardy – Finished these up. This book includes 51 etudes by Andersen, Donjon, J.S. Bach, Boehm, Fürstenau, Karg-Elert, Köhler, and Schade. I like that this book generally includes multiple etudes for each key, which means you get really good exposure to how each key feels. Clardy writes a nice introduction to each etude. I think this would work well for a very advanced high school student, a college student who is working on etudes for the first time, or a college student who might like a little variety instead of working on the etudes of one composer for an extended period of time.
Andersen – 24 Exercises, Op. 30 – Good stuff.
Andersen – 18 Etudes, Op. 41 – Bite sized but very effective.
Andersen – 24 Etudes, Op. 63, Vol. 1 – I worked through 1 – 7. Some tricky accidentals in these so far.

29 May 2014
Andersen – 24 Etudes, Op. 63, Vol. 1 – I finished up this volume. These are generally more challenging than most of the other etudes on my list so far.
Andersen – 24 Etudes, Op. 63, Vol. 2 – I worked on part of the first one.

30 May 2014
Andersen – 24 Etudes, Op. 63, Vol. 2 – Finished up this volume. These are tricky and not conducive to sight reading. They’re quite long — some are five pages — and are challenging. These would be good to revisit at a later time.
Gariboldi – 15 Grand Exercises, Op. 139 – I played through the first 12.

31 May 2014
Gariboldi – Grand Exercises, Op. 139 – Finished these. Lots of repetitive patterns and alternation between two-note segments.
Altes – 26 Selected Studies – I first worked on these in high school, so I am trying to avoid falling back into the technical habits and tone of a 15 year-old! I played through 1 – 12.

1 June 2014
Altes – 13 – 23.

2 June 2014
Altes – Finished these up. These would work well for my more advanced students, as they are slightly long and get progressively longer later in the book.
Kummer – Etudes, Op. 129 – I played through the first 30.

3 June 2014
Kummer – Etudes, Op. 129 – Finished these up. These are short and sweet.
Casterede – 12 Studies – I really enjoyed these and look forward to spending more time with them.

4 June 2014
Bitsch – 12 Studies – I like that each etude is labelled with the specific goal (e.g., “finger evenness,” “double tonguing,” “lip flexibility”).

6 June 2014
Andersen, Op. 33 – These are nice. Not extremely long. Well-focused.
Fürstenau, Op. 107 – Preludes and etudes through G Major.

8 June 2014
Fürstenau, Op. 107 – Preludes and etudes through G-sharp minor.

9 June 2014
Fürstenau, Op. 107 – Finished these. I really love the contrast between the prelude and the following etude.
Hugues – 30 Studies, Op. 32 – These don’t seem as beneficial as some of the others I have played through. Not very difficult but they don’t seem to be as focused.

12 June 2014
J.S. Bach – Bach Studies – These are fantastic and are worth working on for years.
Jeanjean – Modern Etudes – Where have these been all my life? Really nice. I worked on the first six of these.

13 June 2014
Jeanjean – Modern Etudes – Finished these. Excellent. Looking forward to working on them thoroughly in the fall.
Wood – Studies for Facilitating the Execution of the Upper Notes of the Flute – Just like the title, these are a handful. I worked on the first three.
George/Louke – The Flute Scale Book: A Path to Artistry – I played through a large portion of this book. It’s dense and quite comprehensive. In fact, it deserves a blog post of its own, so stay tuned.

14 June 2014
Wood – Studies for … – Finished the rest of these. This is a great book for maintenance work.
Köhler – Virtuoso Etudes – 11 – 20.
George/Louke – Flute Scale Book – Worked on various exercises in this again today. Mainly thirds.

15 June 2014
Karg-Elert – 30 Studies, Op. 107.
George/Louke – Flute Scales Book – Dominant seventh chords; modal scales.

17 June 2014
Julius Baker – Daily Exercises for the Flute – The beginning of this book is very much like Taffanel & Gaubert. The second half differs; it includes exercises on slurring expanded intervals, excerpts from the literature to address staccato double tonguing, and duets.
Terschak – Daily Exercises, Op. 71 – These are nice. Enough of a challenge to be worthwhile for students but not too simple.
Reichert – 7 Daily Exercises, Op. 5 – I played through the first two.

18 June 2014
Reichert – Finished these. This is a manageable number of exercises for daily maintenance.
Schocker – 10 Etudes. I like these. They are challenging and seem to be a mix of difficulty levels. Some felt considerably more difficult than others but not in a progressive way. They are modern, and they absolutely – as described inside the front cover – “stretch the flutist’s technique.” This is another collection that I should spend more time with.
Drouet – 72 Studies. These are relatively short and are good for teaching phrasing and style.
Voxman – Selected Studies – Played through D Major.

9 June 2014
Voxman – Selected Studies – Finished these. Another collection of etudes taken from various composers, including Karg-Elert, Andersen, Köhler, and others. Also includes scales at the back: major, minor, arpeggios, whole tone, and scales in thirds.
Reichert – Six Etudes, Op. 6 – Lots of wide intervals. Good practice for slurring or double tonguing.
Paganini – Caprices – I played through the first two.

20 June 2014
Paganini – Caprices – Through 14.

21 June 2014
Paganini – Finished these. I had forgotten how much fun these are.
Shim – Scale Studies for Beginner and Intermediate Students – Through D-flat major.

22 June 2014
Shim – Finished these up.

23 June 2014
Boehm – 24 Studies, Op. 26

24 June 2014
Moyse – 48 Studies of Virtuosity, Book 1 – I played through the first 12.
Schade – 24 Caprices.

26 June 2014
Boehm – 12 Studies, Op. 15.

29 July 2014
Gariboldi – Etudes Mignonnes – I’ve really enjoyed all of the Gariboldi etudes. They are appealing and feel comfortable on the fingers.
Genzmer – Modern Studies, Book 1 – They do feature musical elements that tend to appear in “modern” works. Lots of focus on rhythm, especially.
Kohler – 35 Exercises, Op. 33 (Books 1 and 2) –

31 July 2014
Gariboldi – 30 Easy and Progressive Studies – Again, these Gariboldi are really enjoyable. These would work well for some of my students.
Dubois – 13 Studies Studies of Medium Difficulty – These are fascinating.

1 August 2014
Hugues – 40 New Studies, Op. 75 – I like these.
Dick – Flying Lessons – These take considerable study. The language is non-traditional, and it’s necessary to learn alternate fingerings, including multiphonics. These are classics, though, and deserve attention.

4 August 2014
Moyse – 24 Little Melodic Studies – Gold. Nice melodic etudes plus variations on each. Not too lengthy but excellent for teaching phrasing.
Genzmer – Modern Studies, Book 2 – These are more difficult than Book 1 and feature more complex time signatures and harmonics.
Briccialdi – 6 Grand Studies – These were long-winded. Each study is quite long. This collection would not be my first (or second) choice.

13 August 2014
Stallman – The Flutist’s Détaché Book – This is a substantial volume that includes 88 exercises to work specifically on articulation. It is organized in sections, including single tonguing, double tonguing, tremolando, triple tonguing, mixed articulation, dotted articulation, and then solos that incorporate these. Exercises are taken from the studies of Altes, Andersen, Donjon, Boehm, among other prominent flute etude composers. I played through the exercises today, though, to be fair, if I had played them previously this summer, I didn’t repeat them this time.

14 August 2014
Stallman – I finished up this book today, which included playing through the solos.
Bozza – Ten Studies in Karnatic Modes – I played through the first three of these.

15 August 2014
Bozza – Finished these. These are tricky and deserve more than just a quick play-through. I will be revisiting these.


AVIDduo – Interactions

AVIDrecords 2014

Performed by AVIDduo: Brittany Primavera, flute and Jeffery Kyle Hutchins, saxophone

We’re from the Internet  – Joshua Clausen
Cracked Brick – Anna E. Garman
Interactions – Lenka Štůralová
… deepities – Ted Moore
Ever Present – Alvin Lucier
BAAYAMI: From the Sky – Mark Oliveiro
Janus: I. Janua Coeli – Paul Hayden
Janus: II. Janua Inferni
Asteroid Baptistina – Peter John

AVIDduo, which includes flutist Brittany Primavera and saxophonist Jeffery Kyle Hutchins, has released a CD of new music for this combination of instruments; their goal is to promote new repertoire, including the specific works on this recording.

Right away, it is obvious this duo has included repertoire that really stretches the sonic qualities of these instruments. They incorporate extended techniques and create fascinating timbres between different combinations of flute, piccolo, alto saxophone, and baritone saxophone. Piano is included on one track which introduces a new timbre. Extended techniques are another way of introducing interesting sounds.

Joshua Clausen’s We’re from the Internet combines traditional chamber music ideas with electronic music. There are spoken samples included in this work. Cracked Brick by Anna Garman is based around two contrasting themes and was commissioned by AVIDduo. Lenka Štůralová’s Interactions, dedicated to AVIDduo, focuses on the interactions that are possible between the flute and saxophone.

Ted Moore’s …deepities has some very engaging moments, which are largely an exploration of timbre. According to the liner notes, a “deepity” is a statement that is apparently profound but actually asserts a triviality on one level and something meaningless on another.” This is another work commissioned by AVIDduo.

Ever Present by Alvin Lucier features tone waves over which the flutist, saxophonist, and pianist play long tones. Beats are produced at various speeds based on how close the tunings are. This is a captivating, meditative work.

BAAYAMI: From the Sky by Mark Oliveiro is inspired by the ancient people of prehistoric Australia. In addition to the instrumental sounds, it also features vocalizations from the performers. Paul Hayden’s Janus is in two movements: Janua Coeli, or“Gate of Heaven,” through which celestial beings enter and Janua Inferni , or “Gate of Hell,” through which humans enter. They are highly contrasting and feature extended techniques.

The last work on this release is Peter John’s Asteroid Baptistina. This asteroid is the one that is believed to have brought about the end of the age of dinosaurs and the beginning of a new era. He relates this idea to the current status of classical music: how do classical performers relate to new technology? John answers this question by combining flute and saxophone sounds and remixing them to deliver a convincing work that is a nice closer to this album.

If you are interested in expanding your knowledge of flute and saxophone repertoire or if you have such an ensemble, there is certainly plenty of inspiration here.
Learn more about AVIDduo’s work at their website,

This review was originally published in the May 2014 issue of The Flute View magazine. Subscribe here!

Francesca Arnone – Games of Light

arnoneGames of Light
MSR Classics (MS 1457)
Performed by Francesca Arnone

Charles Koechlin – Selections from Les Chants de Nectaire, Op. 198
William Alwyn – Divertimento for Solo Flute
I. Introduction and Fughetta
II. Variations on a Ground
III. Gavotte and Musette
IV. Finale alla Gigue

Miklós Rózsa – Sonata per Flauto Solo, Op. 39
I. Allegro risoluto
II. Andante, quasi pastorale
III. Vivo e giocoso

Arthur Willner – Sonate für Flöte Allein, Op. 34
I. Lebhaft
II. Sehr langsam
III. Schnell

In this release from Francesca Arnone, flute professor at Baylor University, we are treated to several works for solo flute. Dr. Arnone has decided to focus on works that are rarely heard so that she may “shine light on this rich repertoire.”

Arnone has chosen to include fifteen selections from a larger work by Charles Koechlin (1867 – 1950). Les Chants de Nectaire includes three opus numbers for a total of ninety-six monodies. The fifteen included on this recording are taken from opus 198 and range in length. Each monody is given a provocative title taken from Anatole France’s novel La Revolte des Anges.

William Alwyn (1905 – 1985) was a film composer and was on faculty at London’s Royal Academy of Music. The work included on this recording, his Divertimento for Solo Flute, comprises four movements that are often written on several staves even though they are performable by one player. This type of writing, which requires the player to show differences in dynamics and tone colors, provides a considerable challenge.

The Sonata per Flauto Solo, Op. 39 by Miklós Rózsa (1907 – 1995), pays homage to Hungary, this composer’s native country. It incorporates modal melodies and dance rhythms. Rózsa was a film composer and later in life turned to writing for solo instruments.

Sonate, Op. 34 by Czech composer Arthur Willner (1881 – 1959) is a highly chromatic, intense work. While many of Willner’s works remain unpublished, this one is available. Occasionally reminiscent of the works of Mahler, this is a work that requires much from the performer.
This is a bold recording since it is entirely made up of solo flute works that are largely unknown. Dr. Arnone’s playing is engaging, expressive, convincing, and fearless. She has a beautiful sound and flawless technique. If you are interested in expanding your repertoire, give serious consideration to these works.

Learn more about Francesca Arnone at her website,

This review was originally published in the April 2014 issue of The Flute View magazine. Subscribe here!

Ron Evans and Musical Legacy

A good friend passed away last Saturday, 22 February. Truth be told, I think anyone who came in contact with him would consider him to be a “good friend.” He had that admirable quality of making everyone who he interacted with feel completely at ease. He was kind, generous of spirit, and a fine musician.

Ron Evans was the founder and conductor of the Northwinds Symphonic Band, which has existed in Gainesville, Georgia since 1984. He also was band director at several high schools in the Gainesville area before retiring in 1997 and served as a board member for music organizations in the north Georgia area.

I met Ron in 2005 after graduating from Indiana University and moving back to the north Georgia area. I was encouraged to join the Northwinds Symphonic Band, which primarily included band directors, music teachers, college music students, and professional musicians. My participation in this group was one of the best ensemble experiences I’ve ever had. He and the other directors were professional, detail-oriented, and insisted on quality performances. However, rehearsals and performances were fun, and I was always aware of how much the community appreciated our concerts.

The annual Memorial Day concert was always the highlight for me. Veterans were invited, of course, and would march around the venue during one particular piece on the program. All branches of the military were acknowledged, and it was quite moving to see service members of all ages making their way around the room. What a privilege to be able to honor them!

Another highlight during my time with Northwinds was when we toured south Georgia in 2011. We played a program that included marches and patriotic pieces. Ron dressed up as John Philip Sousa, and the crowds loved it. It was an experience like no other.

I moved to South Carolina for a short time before taking my current position in South Dakota. I continued to make the drive from South Carolina to north Georgia for Northwinds rehearsals because the experience was just that important and rewarding to me.

I have been reflecting over the past couple of days on the extent of Ron’s legacy. During his career, he must have taught thousands of students. I’m sure he taught the children (maybe grandchildren?) of his first batch of students. He established an organization where professional musicians could come together and have a fun, fulfilling experience. He was well-respected by others in his field but also by those in the greater community. How many lives did he impact? How many high school students’ souls did he shelter by providing a demanding yet supportive experience? How many adult lives (like mine) did he enrich through his hard work with Northwinds?

What a legacy! What will mine be?

Time to get back to work.

Stephen Clark – Explosive

performed by Stephen Clark and the Irish Studio
Voyage Records


Annie’s Song
Viva La Vida
The Mission
The Prayer
November Rain
Lord of the Dance
Whispering Winds

Stephen Clark’s debut album, Explosive, is a crossover album featuring flute arrangements from diverse sources, ranging from music from the Irish dance show Lord of the Dance to Guns N’ Roses. This Scottish flutist, who studied at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama and the Royal Northern College of Music, combines a beautiful, rich, powerful tone with some fun repertoire that you might be surprised to hear on a flute CD.


Clark opens with a cover of “Explosive,” written by Tonci Huljic and performed by Bond, the British crossover string quartet. This piece is fast-paced and is an energetic opening to the album.  He moves in a different direction with a cover of John Denver’s lyrical “Annie’s Song,” which has also been covered by James Galway.  Coldplay’s “Viva la Vida,” from their 2008 album Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends is convincingly played next by Clark. The flute tracks, all performed by Clark, are layered, which creates a full, complex piece.


Various types of film music are included on Clark’s album. One track is from The Mission, a 1986 British drama starring Robert De Niro. A second movie-related track is from the 1997 film Titanic starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.  “The Prayer” is a cover of a 1999 duet between Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli. 

Three tracks (“Siamsa,” “Lord of the Dance,” and “Whispering Winds”) were written by the Irish composer Ronan Hardiman, who composed the soundtracks to the Lord of the Dance and related dance shows. These show Clark’s command of difficult articulation; it is consistently clear, clean, and crisp. The last track, “Whispering Winds,” also features some very nice timbral trills. 

Perhaps the most unexpected track is a cover of Guns N’ Roses’ “November Rain” from their 1992 album Use Your Illusion I. These tracks might not be what you expect from a flute album, but it certainly is a fun collection. Perhaps more importantly, each track is expertly executed.


Learn more about Stephen Clark at his website,, or on Twitter at @stephenflute.

This review was originally published in the January 2014 issue of The Flute View magazine. Subscribe here!


Deborah Lee Yates – Warrior Queen

Warrior Queen Performed by Deborah Lee Yates
Elegant Dragon
Iceni Queen
Joshua Tree Windsong
Waka Wahine
Stripes of a Different Jaguar
Fields of Lament and Promises
Snake Lady Warrior

On this concept album, Deborah Lee Yates sets out to take us on a journey celebrating the feminine. Each track was written by Yates and celebrates a different female warrior throughout the world and in different eras. Locations represented include China, ancient Britain, Native America, New Zealand, Syria, India, and Guatemala. Each track is also tinged with a different musical flavor depending on which culture is being celebrated. Yates performs on an impressive number of flutes for this album, including the C flute, piccolo, Native American flute, New Zealand bone flute, New Zealand conch flute, and Peruvian quena. She is joined by several other musicians on instruments such as bass, guitar, banjo, harp, percussion, oboe, English horn, and cello; each track has its own unique sound, reflecting the distinctive qualities of each woman.

The women who inspired this album include Fu Hao, military leader and high priestess; Boudicca, ruler and war leader; Lozen, warrior, shaman, and sage; Wairaka, leader of her people; Zenobia, queen and war leader; Razia, sultana and politician; and Lady K’abel, queen and military governor. Liner notes provide details about each of these women.

Flutists interested in history or learning more about powerful women across the ages will certainly enjoy taking a listen to this album.
Learn more about Deborah Yates at her website,

This review was originally published in the January 2014 issue of The Flute View magazine. Subscribe here!

Life-Changing Lessons


A few days ago, I had a lesson with one of my teachers, Christina Smith. I half jokingly mentioned on Twitter later that afternoon that it had “changed my life.” But after some reflection, maybe it did in a small way…

Since I am no longer in school, I have to grab lessons whenever my schedule allows and when I can be where the teacher is. What a drastic contrast to the days of luxury when I had a lesson every single week! I loved school, which is one reason why I’m a prof now; I loved the academic music classes except sight singing, at which I am truly abysmal; Oliver Sacks could explain a few things about my sight singing abilities, but I digress. But my weekly lesson, regardless of what day it was scheduled, was the beginning and ending of each week for me.

This means that when I have the opportunity for a lesson now, I soak up as much of it as possible. I don’t come to lessons waiting to having things explained to me. I know where I am as a musician and I try to come prepared to ask the questions that will draw out information that will help me develop. What a huge difference from my student days!

In my recent lesson, we worked on sound. My sound is generally pretty solid but it can always be improved. My teacher shared with me new thoughts about sound production. It was really interesting to see how *her* ideas about sound have changed since I first studied with her almost 15 years ago. I have completely integrated the ideas I learned from her then; as her ideas change (and result in improved sounds), my approach must also change.

I have plenty to work on now; it’s good to know that there is always room for improvement as a student and as a teacher. I can now share those same ideas with my students and feel free to change my approach as I encounter ideas that work better. And hopefully I can impress upon my students that regular lessons are a luxury, coming to lessons with an open mind and plenty of questions results in better progress, and the study of the flute is a lifelong process that never really ends.

Shiny New Flutes

The holidays came early to the SDSU flute studio in November. Several of my students wanted to try out new flutes; most were ready to upgrade, and one wanted to get an idea of her options in anticipation of upgrading next year. We had seven brands of flute to try out over the course of about a week. Every flute was within my students’ budgets, so they knew that any flute they tried was a possible purchase. Included were well-known brands, and the majority of them (6 our of 7) were solid silver headjoints and bodies with plated mechanisms.

My students were quite excited, of course, and each approached the trial process in a different way. Some wanted to try all of them in a single session; others wanted to just try a few and come back later to try the others. One student knew immediately which brand she preferred and didn’t change her mind at all during the trial process. The others had a more difficult time and took longer to make a decision.

Each student played the flutes over several days. They played long tones as well as scales, etudes, and repertoire. They also tried the instruments in different spaces, including the flute studio as well as the recital hall. Other than the student who immediately knew which one she wanted, the other students’ opinions changed a bit over the course of the week. They slowly began eliminating choices based on “feel” (e.g., this mechanism just isn’t comfortable) and sound. Eventually, two more students decided on a new flute. I also enjoyed trying these flutes outside of the usual convention atmosphere. It was a luxury to have some time to really get to know some of these brands.

My goal was to guide them in this process. I carefully tried to not influence their decision, since I strongly believe that each person has to buy the brand that works best for him or her and not just buy the brand name alone based on its reputation. I also don’t have extensive playing experience with some of the brands they tried, so I didn’t feel it would be fair to push one brand over another. Since they were trying solid, high-quality instruments, I knew that there wasn’t really an issue with them choosing something that wasn’t going to hold up. I answered a lot of questions about mechanisms and structural aspects of the instruments but I really wanted them to have the experience of careful, critical listening to determine which flute was best for each of them. In the end, I think each student chose the instrument that was most comfortable and responsive and had the best sound. There is also a lot of room for each student to grow artistically with the new instruments.

They’re still in love with their new flutes and another student has a very good idea of which brand she prefers when she is ready to upgrade, so I think the entire process was a success.


In Sterio – Awake

sterioAwake: Performed by In Sterio.

Purple Tide at Dawn
Crinkled Moon

Glow of Gotham
Finding Love
Red Planets
Flamenco Flames

This sophomore album from In Sterio, the pop-fusion flute duo, is quite a feast for the ears as well as the eyes. Collaborating with visual artist Jerry Peel, they have created a CD/DVD that combines animated art with musical tracks written by Erica Peel and Jason Sudduth.

The packaging for this CD, which is quite striking in and of itself, holds both a CD (if you’d just like to listen) and a DVD, which contains the music combined with the animated visual art. The art coordinates very well with the musical tracks, and each serves to complement the other. The liner notes feature examples of the visual art that is associated with each piece on the recording.

Erica Peel and Shivhan Dohse both give masterful performances. Their playing is expressive, colorful, and enchanting, and they make it sound effortless.  The combination of visual art and music makes this flute album a truly unique experience that engages the senses.

Learn more about In Sterio at their website,

This review was originally published in the December 2013 issue of The Flute View magazine. Subscribe here!
